Bluebird Care North East trial Electric Vehicles in conjunctions with SEAI
Bluebird Care North East trial Electric Vehicle in partnership with Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland.
Bluebird Care North East trial Electric Vehicle in partnership with Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland.
As an organisation who have always been led by values such as innovation & forward thinking, taking part in the Electric Vehicle Trial with SEAI was an easy decision for the team in Bluebird Care North East.
There's been a great energy and excitement here at Bluebird Care North East, excuse the pun, since we spoke to our team and the excitement in the lead up to the trial has been brilliant!
Kieran Hallinan, Managing Director of bluebird Care North East explains more about the deicison to partake in this trial;
" As a company care is at the heart of everything we do, that duty of care for Bluebird Care North East extends far beyond our customers alone, it encompasses our people, our communities and of course, the environment.
The trial was innovative, forward thinking and care focused with regard to the environment, quality and values I believe align with Bluebird Care North East. This coupled alongside the fact, we as a company could play a small part in a matter so topical and important, made partaking in the trial an easy decision.
I think given conversations around climate change, cost of living and our need to become greener as a nation, the team here at Bluebird Care North East we're eager to play our part and the chance to take part in the trial, allowed us to do just that".